October 10th, 2012
Planning Your Financial Future
October 2012
Well, the kiddies are back in school, the temperatures are lower, and Fall is here (almost time to put the lawnmower away!). Year-end is approaching, and if you are self-employed and have not made any estimated tax payments this year, you should have a projection done to make sure you won’t have a huge balance due in April. Large balance dues can result in penalties and interest. Don’t give them more of your money than you have to.
Year-End Investment Planning and the Fiscal Cliffhanger
As 2012 draws to a close, it might be worth starting early to look at various “what-if” scenarios in case you need to make last-minute changes to your portfolio this year. Even though you may not be sure of exactly what will happen in 2013, here are some factors to keep in mind as you plot your year-end strategy.
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Four Retirement Planning Mistakes to Avoid
We all recognize the importance of planning and saving for retirement, but too many of us fall victim to one or more common mistakes. Here are four easily avoidable mistakes that could prevent you from reaching your retirement goals.
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Spousal Lifetime Access Trust (SLAT)
So, you are thinking about making a large gift that is sheltered from gift tax by the applicable exclusion amount. However, you have concerns about losing access to the gifted property or its income; you might not need it now, but what if things change and you do need it later? If you are married, one possible solution might be a spousal lifetime access trust (SLAT).
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This entry was posted on Wednesday, October 10th, 2012 at 12:13 pm.
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