November 10th, 2012
Planning Your Financial Future
November 2012
I can’t believe it’s almost November. Seems like Summer just ended. Time is flying, and we change our clocks soon. If you have a retirement plan or IRA where you are eligible to deduct your contribution, think about maxing out your contributions to lower your taxes.
Don’t forget to vote!! |

On the Precipice: the “Fiscal Cliff”
The phrase “fiscal cliff” has been used to describe the unique combination of financial realities scheduled to take effect in 2013: expiring tax breaks; the imposition of new taxes on high-income individuals; and automatic deficit-reduction spending cuts.
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Ways Grandparents Can Help with College Costs
As the cost of a college education continues to rise, many grandparents are stepping in to help. This trend is expected to accelerate as baby boomer grandparents start gifting what could be trillions of dollars over the next few decades. Helping to finance a grandchild’s college education can bring great personal satisfaction and can be a way for grandparents to minimize potential gift and estate taxes.
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Two Social Security Strategies for Married Couples
Deciding when to begin receiving Social Security benefits can be especially complicated when you’re married because you and your spouse will need to plan together. Fortunately, there are a couple of strategies that are available to married couples that you can use to boost both your Social Security retirement income and income for your surviving spouse.
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As a business owner, what should I know about using remote employees?
Interest in the use of remote employees has greatly increased along with growth in the number of service jobs and developments in technology that enable some workers to work almost anywhere. You might be able to use a remote employee in your business if the employee does not need to be at a specific location in order to do the work required.
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This entry was posted on Saturday, November 10th, 2012 at 11:58 am.
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