April 28th, 2021
James Carroll, CPA L.L.C.
James Carroll, CPA
109 Church Road
Owings Mills, MD 21117
James Carroll, CPA L.L.C.
MAY 2021
Motherhood by the Numbers
In honor of Mother’s Day, here are some interesting facts about motherhood.

How Well Do You Understand Retirement Plan Rules?
This quiz can help you assess your understanding of some of the more complicated retirement plan and IRA rules.

Growing Interest in Socially Responsible Investing
Recent trends suggest that many people want their investment dollars to pursue a financial return and make a positive impact on the world.

New Changes to College Financial Aid and Education Tax Benefits
The second relief bill passed in late December 2020 contained several key provisions related to higher education.

James Carroll, CPA
James Carroll, CPA L.L.C.
109 Church Road ? Owings Mills, MD 21117
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Prepared by Broadridge Advisor Solutions Copyright 2021.
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