January 8th, 2015
Planning Your Financial Future |
January 2015 |
Hoping for a wonderful 2015 for all! Happy New Year!!! |
No Matter What Your Age, Your Social Security Statement
Fifteen years ago, the Social Security Administration (SSA)
launched the Social Security Statement, a tool to help
Americans understand the features and benefits that Social
Security offers. Here’s how to get a copy of your statement,
and why it deserves more than just a quick glance, even
if you’re years away from retirement. |
More Details |
All About IPOs
Maybe you’ve heard someone talking about investing in
“a hot new IPO” and wondered what all the fuss was about.
If you’re unfamiliar with initial public offerings (IPOs), here’s
a review of some basics. |
More Details |
IRS regulations require that I advise you that, unless otherwise specifically noted, any
federal tax advice in this communication (including any attachments, enclosures, or
other accompanying materials) was not intended or written to be used, and it cannot
be used, by any taxpayer for the purposes of avoiding penalties; furthermore,
this communication was not intended or written to support the promotion or
marketing of any of the transactions or matters it addresses. |
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