December 8th, 2014
Planning Your Financial Future |
December 2014 |
Hope all of you had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday. As we head towards year-end,
now is the time to think about your financial results for 2014, and your financial
goals for 2015. |
Four Questions to Ask Before You Open Your Wallet
Even if you’re generally comfortable with how much you spend,
you may occasionally suffer from a case of buyer’s remorse or
have trouble postponing a purchase in favor of saving for a
short- or long-term goal. Here are a few key questions to
consider that might help you fine-tune your spending. |
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Helping Your Parents Manage Their Finances
As parents age, their ability to manage their own finances may
decline. That can make it more likely that they may neglect
the life savings they’ve worked so hard to accumulate, or make
costly mistakes with them. How can you help? |
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Importance of Timing a Roth IRA Conversion: An Example
Conventional wisdom holds that if you convert a traditional IRA
to a Roth IRA, you should never pay the conversion taxes with
assets from the traditional IRA. It’s also conventional wisdom that
converting a traditional IRA to a Roth IRA is tax neutral so long
as income tax rates remain the same at the time of conversion
and after retirement. But there’s one scenario where
conventional wisdom may not apply. |
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IRS regulations require that I advise you that, unless otherwise specifically noted, any federal tax advice in this communication (including any attachments, enclosures, or other accompanying materials) was not intended or written to be used, and it cannot be used, by any taxpayer for the purposes of avoiding penalties; furthermore, this communication was not intended or written to support the promotion or marketing of any of the transactions or matters it addresses.
Prepared by Broadridge Investor Communication Solutions, Inc. Copyright 2014. |
This entry was posted on Monday, December 8th, 2014 at 3:17 pm.
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