August 10th, 2014
Planning Your Financial Future |
August 2014 |
July flew by, and here we are in August. If you’ve taken your vacation, hope it was fun! If you
haven’t taken a vacation yet with the family, it’s almost time for back to school! |
Retirement Myths and Realities
We all have some preconceived notions about what retirement
will be like. But how do those notions compare with the reality of
retirement? Here are four common retirement myths to consider. |
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How the Windsor Decision Affects Retirement Plans
The Supreme Court’s Windsor decision, which in June 2013 struck
down part of a law that defines marriage as between one man and
one woman, affected the administration of qualified retirement plans.
Both employers and plan participants may want to review the details. |
More Details |
IRS regulations require that I advise you that, unless otherwise specifically noted, any federal tax advice in this communication (including any attachments, enclosures, or other accompanying materials) was not intended or written to be used, and it cannot be used, by any taxpayer for the purposes of avoiding penalties; furthermore, this communication was not intended or written to support the promotion or marketing of any of the transactions or matters it addresses. |
Prepared by Broadridge Investor Communication Solutions, Inc. Copyright 2014.
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